Now offering meeting space rental at Unit 206-321 Wallace Street
We are excited to be offering meeting room space for your recovery focused group
We exist to provide a financially self-sustaining facility that promotes a drug and alcohol free environment,
providing and inspiring personal and social growth, for the individual and family.

Who We Are
The Nanaimo Alano Club is a safe gathering place that serves its
community by providing support, information, resources and social
opportunities in a drug and alcohol-free setting. We serve people
affected by addiction, or other harmful behaviours who seek
physical, mental and spiritual renewal and wellness.
What is an alano Club?
Community – Connection – Resources
An Alano Club is a safe meeting place, or facility, free of drugs or alcohol, which provides social and recreational activities, as well as information and resources to its community.
Alano Clubs have proven successful in the neighbouring communities of Duncan, Port Alberni, and Courtenay and our we are developing in response to our market research that shows a strong need and desire for one here in the Mid Island/Nanaimo area.
Our Community will consist of people affected by addictions, or other harmful behaviours, in their own lives or in those of those of the people they love.

Can your help us continue to serve?
Please consider becoming a member
*Tax receipts issued for $3 or more
The Nanaimo Alano Club has been providing a safe, in-door meeting
space for the recovery community
In order to keep offering our services and moving forward with expansion
we are asking for your financial assistance
Please become a member by e-transfer and emailing your name to:
Our Clients Says
The Alano Club Society of Nanaimo is incorporated under the BC Societies Act.
We have a completed business plan that shows financial sustainability through its members and operations; i.e. membership dues, cafe, room rentals, possible social activities, workshops and other private and corporate donations are also part of that process.
We have successfully fundraised over $12,000 of our first year operational goal of $30,000 – which is before any membership drives.
As of 2021, The Alano Club of Nanaimo is a registered charity. We can now provide receipts for charitable donations. Registered Charity Number: 792419715 RR0001.
A Suitable Location
We are also continuing to seek ideal locations with a Commercial Realtor that will be suitable for our planned services, activities, and our members evolving needs.
We have many criteria outlined in our business plan, and continue to hold the intention and vision that the ideal location will reveal itself.
We may be able to offer more services and options depending on the future location we chose, therefore, an ideal location will be vital to the sustainability and success of The Nanaimo Alano Club, however until that time we are excited to form the partnership that allows us to offer room rentals at Unit 206-321 Wallace Street.
Important Distinction – Unity is our Strength
We have NO affiliation with or endorsement by any particular recovery group or twelve step program.
Our volunteers and members may be involved in their own personal recovery program(s) but there are very clear distinctions from ANY other groups or programs.
Having clear lines of separation is a vital distinction to continue to explain and uphold.
Our intention is to seek harmony and unity while upholding the integrity and respect for all members within The Alano Club of Nanaimo.
A service club is made up of its members, and a membership fee will be part of our financial sustainability plan to open and operate.
Please stay tuned for how you can become a member: will offer both monthly and yearly membership options in the future.
Currently, it is only $20 to be a member.
The Executive Directors have also discussed a possibility of Founding Membership Opportunities that we deem suitable with recognition in our location with a plaque/tile of some sort. Stay tuned for more
We are a small group of committed volunteers who meet monthly to plan and implement our development plan. We have an active Board of Directors and are currently seeking more volunteers who want to get involved. ‘Many hands make light work’
A special thank you to our committed members and our corporate supporters